The Rising Star Award recognises those who have demonstrated excellence in their work at the very start of their career in the construction industry.
Why take part?
Meet leaders and other upcoming talents from throughout the built environment.
Get recognised for your contributions to the Built Environment. Over 90% of CMYA finalists report a positive impact on their career.
Be part of CMYA
The Rising Star Award is presented alongside the CMYA awards.
It's Free
The Rising Star Award is free to enter. It costs you nothing, just the time taken to complete your application.
The award
Submit your Application
Who should enter?
This is for rising stars who have been in the construction industry for 7 years or less and demonstrated excellence in their work, the industry and amongst their peers. Specifically, we encourage those that have made a real difference to the business or projects they have been involved with over the past 12 months.
How to enter?
You can accelerate the career of a colleague who is at the start of their construction profession by nominating them for our Rising Star Award. To enter please complete the application form below before Friday 18 June 2021. This award is open internationally to all that you believe deserve to be recognised for their achievements in the last 12 months, between May 2020 and May 2021. Please see the guidelines below for more information and tips to help you with this process.
How much does it cost?
The Rising Star Award is free to enter. It costs you nothing, just the time taken to complete your application.

The application form
The application form consists of three sections: the nominee’s contact information as well as reasoning (up to 500 words) for why they should be nominated and why they should be considered for this award.
The application deadline is 18 June 2021